Monday, July 1, 2013

Mama-on-days: Pinterest projects

The Challenge:  
This weeks challenge was to finish 2 projects on Pinterest.

I love Pinterest.  I mostly like to hoard my pins.  Pin it and forget it.  So I was excited to take some time to actually browse my Pinterest boards and pick two projects to complete.

For awhile, one of the people I was following was really into unique nail designs.  Every time I would log in, I would see a bunch of weird nail designs:  Watermelon nails, anyone? I'm pretty sure long watermelon nails are not in my companies dress code.

One project that I had pinned last year was a Batman cozy coupe car.  I saw it on and was in love.  We had bought a pretty old cozy coupe car for 5.00 at a garage sale.  My son LOVES super heroes.  This seemed like the perfect project.

Here is her car.   It is pretty awesome.

I started on the last nice day last Fall.  It took 2 coats of Spray paint, but it looked pretty good.  They didn't have yellow spray paint at the store so I thought I would find or order a decal.  Unfortunately, I couldn't find one that was the right size.  Then winter hit.  We ended up with a. lot. of. snow. until. the. end. of. April.  But I'm not bitter.

Here is what my pretty cool black Batmobile looked like this Spring

Apparently, I should have stored the Batmobile inside over the winter. Now I have a toy with peeling paint chips all over it.  (Completely okay when I was growing up in the eighties-kind of frowned upon these days.)  So the Biscuit hasn't gotten a chance to ride the cool Batmobile yet.  This Mama-on-day challenge seemed like the perfect time to sand this down and repaint before the Biscuit is too big for the cozy coupe (which will probably be tomorrow.)

The Experience:  I went to three home improvement stores to find the yellow plastic spray paint.  None had them.  It ended up being a realllllllllly nice weekend.  That perfect weather that suggests a mother should enjoy a nice cold glass of Pinot Grigio on her deck.  But I had a challenge to complete.

The Result:  

The Batmobile is still in progress.  Instead, I went to go see Monster's Incorporated and went on an adventure walk to see a water fall.

I'm still thinking that I may get the Batmobile done this summer.  (probably not.  Maybe I can hire someone to finish it on Craigs list.)  As you can see, I also have some major weeding issues and apparently my window well is now housing a giant plant.

Next Week's Challenge:  
I'm keeping it pretty easy as we will be heading out on a family vacation.  This weeks challenge is pest control.  It's time to find that fly that's been buzzing around my head all week.

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