1. The Expanding Expression Tool (EET) : I bet this one is on a lot of lists. This is a great tool for teaching kids a strategy for defining and thinking about vocabulary words. I LOVE the physical aspect of this. I use the EET strand, student strands, steppers and stickers! This is one of the first things I pull out in therapy.
3. Word Joggers and Word Joggers Junior: I love these two products for providing a variety of ways to target vocabulary and word retrieval
4. Just for Laughs: Understanding Multiple Meaning Words. I love using jokes to help teach Multiple Meaning Words. I also had a copy of Cartoon Cut Ups which is out of print-which was great for explaining multiple meanings and figurative language.
I'm really excited to see what everyone else has listed-I'm always looking for new ways to teach vocabulary. Check out everyone else's suggestions or link up by heading over to Speech Room News.
Thanks for linking up!
I use "Descripto Bingo" a LOT!