Monday, October 28, 2013

Halloween: Tactile Cauldron

 Last year I saw a post about hiding objects in a Halloween cauldron filled with shredded paper.  Since we had a paper shredder at work, I picked up a cauldron at the local Goodwill.  BIG MISTAKE.  I couldn't stand the mess of the shredded paper-plus the paper would cling to my hands and got everywhere.  This year, I switched to split peas which I thought had a creepy greenish texture to it.  I just put the peas in the cauldron, filled it with different Halloween objects and used it in therapy in the following ways:

1.  Labeling/Halloween vocabulary:  We worked on actual labels as well as synonyms-a bat is scary.  Can you think of some other words for scary?  We also worked on describing the textures of the objects: hard, wet, slimy, squishy etc.
2.  Articulation practice: We hid our articulation cards in the peas and took turns taking them out and saying our words.
3.  Guess what I'm getting: The client could feel what was in the cauldron and then needed to describe it without naming it.

I think there are lots of ways you can use this within therapy.  What are some ways you could use it?  I'd love to hear from you!

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Halloween: Creepy Spider activities

The other night I was working on finishing up a project when I saw a decent sized (but not monstrously large) spider crawling across my wall.  I looked around quickly for some spider killing equipment but didn't have any shoes or kleenexes handy.  Plus every once in awhile I start to think about reincarnation.  What if we come back as a spider and then everyone is smooshing us?  So I let it go.  About 45 minutes later, I saw it scurrying by again.  I think it had lapped my office.  Maybe he was just working out.  It wasn't until I went to bed that I started to wish I'd had more of a resolution to the whereabouts of this arachnid.

Anyhow, it reminded me of some Spider activities I've done in Halloween's past.  
Spider Cookie:  

I really didn't need any excuses for eating oreo cookies.  Mmmmmm.  We worked on sequencing cards, the concept, in between (as in put the legs in between the cookies) and just general drill activities while making a Halloween spider cookie.  I had a really hard time finding black string licorice and ended up getting Haribo Licorice wheels and pulling the licorice string out.  
Spider Toss Game:

I got the spider web rug at Target this year at their Dollar Spot.  Do you love the dollar spot too?  Besides end caps, it's my favorite shopping area.  I also picked up some glow in the dark spiders.  We worked on our targets and then took breaks by tossing spiders at the rug.  I added some point values on the rug with painters tape-but I don't think it's necessary.  It was pretty hard to get the spiders to land on the rug.  

The Spider and the Fly book:  

The spider keeps trying to convince the fly to come into his parlor.  The fly knows that she shouldn't and refuses him until the end.  I think this is a clever book for working on perspective taking and intentions. What do we know about spiders?  Would a spider just want to hang out with a fly?  

Need some more spider inspiration?  Check out All Ya'll Need's Spider week posting.
Or Download a Free Spider web activity from Crazy Speech World.  

Friday, October 25, 2013

Favorite Language Apps: (Linky Party)

Did I tell you that my iPad 2 screen is cracked as a result of the Biscuit foot meeting the iPad screen?  It started off as a little crack in the corner and has now blossomed into three large cracks across the screen which started to spider web last week.  *Sigh*  It still works but I find myself less inclined to use it.  It's no fun playing games with a cracked screen.  I'm still debating the merits of getting it fixed vs. replacing and donating the old one-or trying to sell it.  Help me about below-iPad mini, new iPad or wait for the iPad air?   

Anyhow, the super creative Jenna from Speech Room News is having her monthly Love it and List it Linky Party.  Linky parties are a fun way to connect with other bloggers if you have a blog.  If you don't, they are a great way to get a lot of resources on the same topic in one place.  This month's theme is "Language Apps."  Here are some of my favorites:  

More Fun with Following Directions 

This app works on 12 different concepts and you can adjust the difficulty to include one to three/four elements within the direction.  I like that there is some animation that happens within the picture when you answer correctly.  For example, if you choose the correct monkey to climb down the tree-he climbs down the tree! 

Describe It to Me

Describe it to Me does a great job of breaking down descriptions using receptive and expressive tasks.  There is a wheel that you spin which is pretty motivating to a couple of my game show loving clients.  I like how question types are broken down into: category, function, parts, location, visuals and extras.  


All of the Mobile Education apps are motivating for my clients.  They LOVE to hear themselves talk on the iPad.  Tense builder is one of my favorites because it really strives to TEACH the user what is present, past, and future tense forms.  Many of the videos that are included have a "funny" twist which  makes them extremely motivating for my kids.  


I love to use sequencing activities in therapy sessions because you can target so many different goals: pronouns, verb tense forms, sequencing, narratives etc.   I like this app because it gives little to no reinforcement if the sequencing is incorrect but changes the picture and has cheers if it is correct.  I also like that they are follow up questions after the sequence is complete.  (Ex. How will they feel or What will happen next. )
Listening for Absurdities

Absurdities are another skill that I love to work on.  It's great for early problem solving, learning to self advocate (That's not right, it should be) explaining and early auditory comprehension skills.

What are your favorite language apps to use in therapy?  Link up to Speech Room News by pressing the button below.  If you don't have a blog-you can still leave comments on her page.  I'm excited to hear about your favorites.

If you liked this post, please consider sharing it on Pinterest or Twitter by clicking on the buttons below!  
(Disclaimer statement:  All of these apps were purchased by me.  I did not receive any compensation for listing these apps-I just really like them!) 

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Speechy Feedback: October Version

Nicole over at has a monthly linky party where we give you feedback on your feedback on Teachers Pay Teachers or Teacher's Notebook.

I love getting specific feedback about my products.  Not only does it make MY day but it really helps inform some of my decisions about future products OR about revising my current products.

Right now, I'm going to give a little feedback to Nicole.  One of the things that I have noticed is that after you started doing the monthly feedback party, I started noticing that I was getting more feedback and that feedback was more detailed.  So THANK YOU for having such an awesome idea-AND for letting us all join in!

I picked this feedback because I found it helpful to know that the visuals and homework pages were appreciated.  This is one of those great pieces of feedback that you might read through a few times (if you are apparently as self-absorbed as I now appear to be.   

Thank you to CRFrenzel for providing such fantastic feedback.  Please email me with your choice of product from my store.

You can join up to the Speechy Feedback party by linking up on  You may want to head over there and check out some of the other bloggers to see if your feedback is the one that made the cut!  

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

I'm guest posting over at Smart Speech Therapy LLC

I'm over helping Tatyana celebrate her Birthday month at Smart Speech Therapy LLC.

Head over there to check out how my post on Praxis and Ideation:

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

What's New at Speech2u: October Version

I'm loving Halloween month.  Have you seen any of the "gross" balls?  They are the squishy balls with water where you can squeeze them and see gross things inside the ball?

Yesterday we were playing with it, and I think a kid bit it and it EXPLODED all over my room-in my hair and all over my clothes.  So I'm loving all of Halloween except for the gross water ball toy part of it.

Some of the big news for me this month was passing the 1000 follower mark on Facebook!  That number blows me away.  I feel truly blessed to have the opportunity to interact with so many different talented Speech Language Pathologists from across the country.

Once a month, I take a few minutes to talk about what's new in my Speech2u store.  The rest of the month is spent talking about activity ideas, my parenting misadventures or just general silliness.

I was a little more productive in October:

First I added a Halloween Bundle.  Bundles are a good way to save money if you are looking for multiple activities in a certain skill area.  I'm selling these both individually and within the Halloween Bundle packet.  Here are the other products I have for sale:

Add it Up: Halloween quick play game:  This game is pretty motivating for kids.  Add up their points and the student with the most points wins.

Halloween Conversation Starters and WH questions.  Another easy activity focusing on WH questions and conversation starters-great for articulation carryover.

Trick or Treaters at the Door: This is a great product if you are in early intervention, preschool or kindergarten settings or if you LOVE the wheels on the bus songs.  I wrote the lyrics for the Trick or Treaters at the Door and included a bonus copy of the 5 little pumpkins.

Flip Flap Trick or Treating (A Halloween Craftivity): I used this product with every client I had today.  You print and assemble the door and a treat bag to put candy in.  Knock on the door, open it to find different trick or treaters.  Open the page again and find the treat bag.  Add candy to your bag.  This was great for practicing /k/ and /g/, /t/ sounds as well as role playing and problem solving trick or treating in general.

In Celebration of my 1,000+ likes, I'm offering a giveaway of my Halloween Bundle AND a copy of Ed Emberley's new book: Nighty Night, Little Green Monster.  Please note: the winner will have to provide an address in order to receive the monster book.

This is a great book for fans of "Go Away, Big green monster."

Disclosure statement: I purchased the Nighty Night little Green monster book myself and received no compensation for promoting or giving it away.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, October 21, 2013

Mama-on-days: The Halloween Meal

I'm obsessed with creating Family traditions.  I want to there to be magical moments in my son's childhood.  Last weekend, my husband and I went away on a romantic getaway that was marred by the fact that my brother in law needed to bunk with us.  Ixnay on the omanceray.  My mom was picking me up from the airport with my little guy.  I waved and he broke out into a run and jumped into my arms.  It was pretty awesome.  The whole morning he was Mr. lovey-dovey holding my hand, giving me hugs etc.  Until I ruined it by pretending to leave him behind at my mom's when he was being poky leaving.  And I know the experts say you should never do this as it tells your child you might abandon him.  He was so upset he didn't talk to me the whole ride home.  I probably have to start working a little harder on those magical moments!

True Confession Time: In my search for the best and most magical family moments, I sometimes turn into a Super-fun-time-beast.  I'm working on taming my expectations so that if things don't go the way I picture them in my head-that I'm still okay.

Last year, I was really interested in Bento Boxes and "themed" dinners/lunches.  I decided to make a "Halloween themed" dinner for the Biscuit.   The Another Lunch blog has these great ideas for Bento boxes and Muffin tin lunches.  I found a super cute halloween muffin tin lunch and decided to recreate it to make a "magical moment."

Of course I needed to buy a muffin tin, and little swords, and plastic condiment holders and a variety of other accompaniments because I wanted it to look exactly like hers.  

Here is what I ended up with:

 Pretty cute right?

Here is how the Biscuit reacted to it:

He hated it.  Didn't want to eat ANY of it.  Not even the chocolate eyeballs.  So I did what any self respecting mother who had planned this special meal for weeks and went to a variety of different store to get the correct items.  I put him in a time out in his room.

*Sigh*  He keeps asking for a themed meal again this year-so I guess he wasn't too traumatized-or he recognized that I was.  Of course the "meal" wasn't the end result that I was thinking it was.  It was us sharing any type of experience.  This year, I promise to spend less time thinking about the "perfect meal" and more time just enjoying our simple times together.

How about you?  Have you planned something and had go all wrong?  How do you manage your expectations?

Friday, October 18, 2013

Facebook Frenzy, and a Birthday Giveaway

It's a big weekend here.  First we need to pick the Biscuit's costume.  Here is what he pulled together from his costume drawer.  I mean, really, why confine yourself to just one costumed hero when you can be all of them at the same time.  It reminded me of when he was 3-I swear he purposely dressed himself to include all of his favorites: iron man shoes, spiderman socks, thor underwear with a Batman shirt-and a happy new year necklace that he wears every day.

But that's NOT what's really exciting.  It's the FB Frenzy AND a birthday giveaway at Smart Speech Therapy LLC.  Tatyana is a FANTASTIC resource for information on a variety of topics.  I was fortunate enough to get a chance to preview Tatyana's power point presentation of Speech and Language Assessment of Older Internationally Adopted Children.  It was filled with relevant and interesting information.  Tatyana is celebrating her birthday this month with daily giveaways.  Today she is giving away a copy of my Grocery Theractivity product. 

Head over to her blog to enter-the giveaway ends tonight!  (While your there, make sure to check out some of her checklists-makes an SLP's job a little easier.)  

AND the BIGGEST news that's happening is the FB Frenzy.  Head on over to FB to connect with 20 of my FB friends and collect some pretty awesome FREEBIES.  You can start on any page and just follow the buttons to collect your goodies.  It's like Trick or Treat for adults-but with just TREATS!  

Happy Friday Everyone!

Thursday, October 17, 2013


I'm sorry to tell you that Target is closed.  But it's okay, because you can probably get there tomorrow to get these super awesome brain molds.

They come in a pack of 2.  I had bought a package last week but finally got around to opening them.  Here's what's really cool-they are made of a hard plastic so they are durable.  They are small and easy to store and come with a plastic lid so you can store things in them.

I bought them thinking it could be fun to make jello brains and stick toothpick flags in different areas of the brain to talk about different types of Smarts that people have.  I also thought we could play some inferencing games by putting a piece of paper in the brain, putting the lid on top and then giving clues and having my kids try to guess what I was thinking about.

When I went to the Preschool social thinking course last week, they had a suggestion for working with kids on Red thoughts/Blue thoughts by placing colored marbles into a brain mold to demonstrate how different actions change our thinking.  It reminded me of a post from The Speech House blog a few years ago that talked about using colored marbles to demonstrate red thoughts/blue thoughts.

I work with OT's who are using the Zones of Regulation program with their clients.  So I started thinking that it could make sense to coordinate the different types of thoughts with the Zone colors.

I found green flower marbles as well as blue and red marbles.  I'm still looking for the yellow ones.  Today we read an Amelia Bedelia book and had my clients decide what type of thought people might have based on her behavior.

*Red thoughts/Blue thoughts, Types of Smarts, and Social thinking are all concepts of Michelle Garcia Winner.  Please visit her website here to find out more information regarding social thinking. **

What types of activities have you used to address red thoughts/green thoughts?

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Spooktacular Speechie Sale: Savings not Scares-What I got

Whew!  I think I managed to get all of my shopping done before midnight.  I've been out of town in Colorado with my husband and brother in law and next week is craaaaaaaaaaazy busy.

I picked up a few things to make my week a little better.  Here's what I ended up purchasing:

R you kidding me?  Why do I have so many R kids on my caseload.  These 2 products are going to be great.

Modern Vocalic R Sentences: These aren't your Grandma's R Probes: by Autumn Bryant, Speech Language Investigator:   I love sassy sentences.  These are going to be great to use with my middle school/high schoolers.

Artic Boxes: R Blends: by LyndaSLP123.   Did you ever play dots as a kid?  Super simple game that is really fun for my clients.  This is great for word level practice but it would be easy to expand to sentence level practice.  It pays to read the descriptions.  I bought this to work on vocalic /r/ but it is clearly working on /r/ blends.  So now I'm anxiously awaiting the vocalic /r/ version of this product. 

 Interactive Articulation Screener: Word and Sentence Levels by Twin Sisters Speech and Therapy
I love this idea.  A great way to make a screener more accessible and fun for my clients.

Space Hero Social Skills by CC from If I only Had Super Powers.  I'm pretty sure 98% of my Social skills clients LOVE Star Wars.  I grew up in the 70's so I LOVE the classic Star Wars.  I'm geeking out on the next one possibly starring people with chemistry who can act.  Plus, I was the only girl on my block so I always got to be Princess Leia on the Swing sets.  I'm sure I was pretty cute with my mom's panty hose tied to look like her buns on my head.  

Practical Problem Solving by Happily SLP:  I'm always looking for new resources to work on problem solving.  This looks great for providing a variety of scenarios as well as incorporating a points type of game.

Language Logic by SLPrunner-I LOVE logic puzzles.  I used to get the Dell Crossword magazine with my special mechanical pencil and I'd always do the logic puzzles first.  There is something so satisfying about being able to mark off the little x's in the boxes until there is only one left.  I've thought that these would be great in therapy but they've always been to hard for my clients.  These ones provide the perfect amount of challenge.

I ended up getting some other clip art and fonts which you may see on some products in the future.  I also wish-listed a lot of items that I didn't need right now that weren't on sale.  The prices on TPT are so affordable that I don't wait for sales if I need it for a particular client sooner.  Today I went about 10.00 over my limit so I had to put some of those items in my cart for the next rainy day.  

How about you?  Did you get anything at the sale? What did I miss?  If you missed yesterday, no worries, my store is 20% off through Monday.  You can check out a list of other participating stores HERE.  

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Vacation dollar dash!

I love a challenge and Teach Speech 365's dollar dash linky party sounded like a lot of fun! I wasn't sure I was going to make this one as I am on vacation. It could've been a romantic getaway weekend since my mom is watching the Biscuit. But my brother in law is with us, so not so much. Anyhow, he wanted to stop at the Dollar Tree so I picked up a few things. The challenge is to buy 5.00 worth of materials and then talk about how you would use them. Here is what I got.
I just attended a Social Thinking workshop so the concepts are on my mind.
  1. Scissors and Glue- I'm going to write down some problems on the glue bottles. We can talk about how our thinking gets stuck sometimes. If my clients are able to come up with alternative behaviors, they can earn a scissors to show how they CUT through that stuck thinking.
  2. Frankenstein hand-pull it back and it moves. I'm going to use this to talk about Whole Body Listening and what our hands do to show people we are listening.
  3. Wind Up eyeball-Using pictures of social scenes we can wind up the eyeball and let it go on the table. Whoever is closest to the eyeball will have to answer the question. Depending on their goals, we can work on following it's eye gaze, using our eyes to make some smart guesses or talking about what our eyes should do when we are listening.
  4. Ping pong eyeballs. Similar to above. We could also play a game similar to RDI's 2 ball catch. Players stand at each end of the table. No words are allowed. Students use facial expressions to indicate they are ready to bounce the ping pong ball back and forth, the players who get the most turns in, wins.
  5. Frankenbrain. I think this sign is great for working on how Frankenstein has rock brain or how he has different Social Smarts from us. We could also talk about how we use prior knowledge in our brains to make smart guesses.
How about you? Are you ready to try the challenge? Head over to Teach Speech's blog to join.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Halloween Paper Craftivities: Rerun

Do you come up with new Holiday activities or do you tend to have your same Holiday activities that you use year after year?  I definitely have some of my favorite activities that I use.  I used to LOVE to scrapbook.  I'd go on Scrapbooking weekends, or all night Scrapathons.  I have a whole bunch of beautiful scrapbooks that I created.  Then I had a kid and stopped.  Does that make me a horrible mom?  I think you are supposed to at least shower your first kid with beautiful scrapbooks and baby books, right?  Not me.  Apparently I only like to scrapbook kegger parties and exotic vacations.  

But what do you do with your extra scrapbook supplies that you've hoarded over the years?  I try to use them up in Speech therapy crafts.  (the exotic vacation supplies at least.)  Here is a rerun of a post I did last year for 2 Paper crafts that I make each year:

I was at Archivers (a scrapbook store) a few years ago (when I still had time to scrapbook.)  They have die cut machines which allow you to punch shapes out of scrabooking paper.  One of the punches was of a fence and the other one I made was of a house with a door that you can open.

Last week, we used these shapes to make Halloween paper crafts, focusing on following directions, stating directions, requesting supplies, and articulation/intelligibility.

1.  Five Little Pumpkins:

I glued the "gate" onto blue paper and also cut out the 5 little pumpkins rhyme using a cloud shape before the therapy session.  In the past, I've used different stickers to make the pumpkins. Last year I found a really cool pumpkin hole puncher on clearance that included 3 different stamps to decorate the pumpkins.  Here is how I used it in therapy:

1.  Requesting: punch out the pumpkin, I do it, you do it, I want the pumpkin stamp, (ready, set...) GO.
2.  Labeling locations: Put the pumpkin on the fence, under the moon, next to the cloud etc.
3.  Following directions (for this I hid the five pumpkins)  The child had to find the pumpkins I hid (ex. find the pumpkin under your chair) and then bring them back to glue onto the gate.
4.  /s/ Blends: stamp, stick, sticky, Spooky, scary,
5.  Emotions: I had my social skills kids work on drawing different emotions on the pumpkins
6.  Articulation homework:  After we were finished, I highlighted all of the sounds/words I wanted the parents to work on in the poem.

2.  Spooky House
I used the house die cut and punched out a bunch of houses onto black scrapbooking paper.  I took pictures of some of the kids making scared faces (always get consent for photos first) and then printed them off using the contact sheet portion.  It worked better to print the pictures off on photo paper, regular copy paper printed too dark.  I also wished I'd taken a picture of the whole child and printed it off even smaller so that their whole body fit in the door.

I put the child behind the door and then glued everything onto the blue paper.   Then the child got to add the stickers to the picture.
1. Emotions:  We practiced making scary faces and talked about what different parts of our face do when we are scared.  We also talked about strategies for what to do when things are scary.
2.  Articulation:   Kid'n'Kaboodle had a variety of fingerplays and I varied the poem based on what sounds I was working on with the child.
3.  Vocabulary: I didn't have a lot of stickers, but it was also a good activity for naming or requesting.
4.  Role playing: We also talked about how to go trick or treating. We could practice knocking on the door, opening it, saying trick or treat and then getting candy.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

A gazillion Ghoulish Games and Apps

I was looking for an app similar to a Toca Boca app but that practiced trick or treating skills.  You could choose the costume and then go up to the door, say trick or treat and get a piece of candy.  Maybe you could pick the type of candy (good or bad like real eyeballs.)  I haven't found any apps that address that directly.  Here are some of the apps that I did find and how I might use them in therapy.

Mask Doodle App: Shoe the Goose.  I love to use cookie doodle to target actions and prepositions during therapy sessions.  This app allows you to decorate different masks (animals, monsters, half masks, robots, or people)  This is a great app to focus on directions such as put in/on, as well as focusing on colors or sizes.  You can create masks pretty quickly.  The best thing is that you can print out the mask and then work on role plays or just send it home.

Clicky Sticky Halloween App.  The Clicky Sticky apps are probably the best sticker book app on the market.  You can choose between different scenes including: pumpkin decorating, costumes, haunted houses and Halloween candy.  I usually use these apps to focus on naming objects/actions as well as prepositions.  Place the items on the scene and then press play to watch them move.  You can also work on predicting-"What do you think the spider will do/I think he will spin a web."

Mash-o-Ween.  I love MASH games for categorization and vocabulary generation.  This download focuses on naming different costumes, candies, activities you can do as well as people in your environment.  Draw a spiral and the app procedeeds to eliminate answers until your future is apparent.  This is a great way to focus on narratives as well as some predicting skills (what do you think will happen if I go to McDonalds in my cow costume.)

Halloween jokes.  This FREE download contains written jokes as well as some photo jokes and prank videos.  I tend to use the written portion most frequently to focus on multiple meanings and explaining humor.  The jokes are very basic (ex. what does a ghost put on his cereal in the morning?)  Booberries and boonanas.

Millie's tricks Volume 1 and 2.  These start with knocking on a door and then a wheel spins to see if you get a trick or treat.  Afterwards an adorable video focusing on a dog completing a similar activity is shown.  I use this a lot for sentence generation tasks.

Peek-a-boo Trick or Treat. I have LOVED Ed Emberly's books since I was little.  I still have old journals where I tried to use his shape based approach to draw different objects.  This is combines his artwork with the idea of Peekaboo Farm.  The door is knocking, you answer it and different Halloween characters appear.  This would be SUPER awesome if you were inside answering the door vs. outside.

Little Monster's Dentist.  This is a fun app for role play activities and discussing good dental hygiene with monsters.  I think there are better dentist apps out there but this was FREE so it's worth it to try it out.  
Halloween for Kids:  This FREE app just has slide shows of different pictures of Halloween events and items.  It's a nice one to use for describing and sentence structures.  

Spooky Differences.  Identify the differences between 2 pictures.  Some of the differences are pretty subtle.  I like to use these apps to work on comparison statements (Ex. in this picture there are three bats but in this picture there are only two.)

What was I scared of.  I LOVED reading this app with my son.  There is spooky music and a pair of "empty pants" which makes it a little silly while being a little scary.

Spooky House:  This is basically a cause and effect app that allows you to touch different parts of the screen to make things spooky things happen.  The full version contains 2 parts of the house and the free version is just on the outside.  If they had more inside options, I'd definitely recommend it.  Definitely take the time to check out the FREE version though.

Adapted Book, 5 Pumpkins.  I love this rhyme.  This version includes sign language for each version.

This is My Story.....and I'm sticking to it.  This app focuses on simple sentence structures.  You pick a "topic" and then choose different stickers to create a very simple story by changing one word per sentence.  For example, you could make your story about the ghost and then fill in the blank for sentences like, "The ghost said hello to ....."  

Magic Halloween Iblower.  I like apps for younger or more severely involved students which just provide different objects when you touch the screen.  With this app, touching the screen causes different Halloween objects to appear.  I use these for describing and naming.  I got this when it was free and like it.  I probably wouldn't spend money on it as there isn't any sound or sound effects with the app.  

Spooky Dice:  This was created by the people who came up with Story Dice.  You have the option to role 3 dice to determine character, plot and setting ideas.  Fun to work on sentence generation or shorter paragraph generation.

The Scariest Halloween Story Ever.  This is a fun interactive book which keeps trying to get the reader to stop reading because it is too scary.

Guess Who: Halloween.  I love the Guess who games.  I just bought this one so haven't had a lot of time to play around with it.

Mask Mania.  Why print out a mask when you can take a picture and put on virtual mask on your photo.  I wrote about this app last year.  So much fun for role playing and sentence structures ("I want to be, I am a "

What apps did I miss and why do you love them?