Monday, February 24, 2014

Happy Birthday to me and What's in my cart

I had a pretty good birthday over the weekend. I'm getting to be the age where I need to use the Super Duper Age calculator to figure out how old I am. I actually did use it awhile ago to figure out how long I've been practicing. My husband did not get me a dehumidifier and a car vacuum from Walgreens like he did a few years ago. I'm going to be honest here-I may not have used Michelle Garcia Winner's social fake that year. I may have been a little more up front with my feelings.

Just for fun, I'm going to tell you about the Target cheesecake.  About 5 years ago, my husband bought some cheesecake from Target-I think it was the Market pantry kind.  It was pretty bad.  But I used my good social skills and just pretended like it was fine.  Then he got it the next year.  I ate a little bit and then said, "You know, I really don't like this cheesecake.  It tastes kind of funny."  He got it the following year again.  Having told him the year before, I felt like I had the right to have a big reaction to a small problem.  So I didn't eat a bite of it, told him I didn't like it and threw it in the garbage.  On my 40th birthday, he got it again!!!  What?  I was so upset.  He said he didn't remember that I didn't like it and that he was really busy and didn't have time to go anywhere else.  I asked him why he didn't get a cheesecake factory one and he said, "Well that one cost a lot more."  We had a lot of discussions about cheesecake and big birthdays and expectations.  I'm pretty sure I was at a 5 for part of that discussion.  The reason I bring it up is that this year, my husband went to a local bakery to pick up a cake.  They were out, so he picked up cupcakes.  These cupcakes are delicious.  But he woke up on my birthday morning and was so concerned that cupcakes wasn't going to be right that he went to another bakery and still couldn't get a cake.  So that's how I ended up with 6 cupcakes, a chocolate raspberry tart, and 6 pieces of chocolate for my birthday.

This post isn't about birthdays but it is about a big milestone.  Teacher's Pay Teachers is having a 3 million teacher sale 2/27 to 2/28.  These sales are great because not only are the individual stores on sale, but they also offer an extra 10% off your purchase.  It's a great time to stock up on products to get you through the rest of the year.

Jenna from Speech Room News is hosting another "What's in Your Cart" link party.  This is a chance for us to share some items we are thinking of purchasing.

First off, here are a few new products that I have that you may want to check out:

Minimal Pairs: /S/ blends and Final Consonant Deletion are my two newest products.
Each one contains more than 50 sets of minimal pairs as well as rebus stories, minimal pair memory homework, 15 activities for each targeted sound, and minimal pairs sentences.  I'm really excited to have something so comprehensive to work with some of my clients!

St. Patrick's Day Conversation Starters and WH Questions is my newest addition to my progressive wh question/conversation starter packet.  These are really fun to use for articulation carryover or as a quick language activity.

You can also save money by purchasing the bundle.  This bundle is progressive which means the price increases as I add more products.  But if you buy now you will get any future additions for free PLUS you save 20% off purchasing each one individually.

Finally, this is still one of my favorites from last year:  It's the SPEECHIE awards.  This is great product to use during awards shows or at the end of the year as a wrap up activity.

This activity focuses on categorization, comparing and contrasting, multiple meanings and synonyms.   One of my favorite activities is the Synonym Movies.  Can the student figure out the movie.  Here's an example.  What movie is Frozen Water Era?  Comment below and I will pick a winner when I get back from vacation. (leaving on Wednesday-I can't wait!!!)

You can also save money by purchasing the bundle.  This bundle is progressive which means the price increases as I add more products.  But if you buy now you will get any future additions for free PLUS you save 20% off purchasing each one individually.

I've been adding products to my cart since the last sale.  Here is what I've been looking at purchasing during the next sale:

Tackling Apraxia by Mia McDaniel:  These look great for motivating a particularly tricky client of mine.

Zap!  Irregular Verbs by The Speech Bubble looks like a great way to drill some of my students who are tired of the same old syntax cards.

Inferencing Detectives by Miss Speechie  I'm always looking for new products targeting inferencing.

I've picked quite a few little ones, so I thought I would check out this double bundle from Super Power Speech:

Another one that looked great for the younger set is Snappy Snapshots by Carrie Manchester. 

Finally I am really interested in this Youtube companion packet from Jenna Rayburn.  I love that it uses QR codes to link to the videos-that makes it so easy:

I'd love to hear what's in you cart.  Head on over to the new Speech Room New's site to link up or find out what everyone else is purchasing.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your interest in my Inferencing Detectives activity!!
