A few months ago I decided to do one monthly MEGAPOST per month on new products that I have at my TPT and/or Teacher's Notebook stores.
Starting in September, all new products will be 50% off for the first day after I post them onto Teacher's Pay Teachers.
Then the rest of the month we can talk about other fun things!
As for TPT and new products-I ended up with two. Both of which I really like.
Question Reversals: Interactive Flashcards.
I have a few clients who really struggle with how to formulate questions. These are my kiddoes who will ask, "Can I can have a sucker please?" In the past I've tried to stop them Say "Can I" NOW STOP STOP WAIT DON"T SAY IT....oh, okay well let's start over. Say " Can I." My attempts at cueing seemed a little invasive. So far, I've found that these visuals help my clients with the question reversal format without me having to provide maximum cues.

STAND up for Good Problem Solving with a bonus flip flap book.
I don't usually create a whole project around clip art-but this clip art from Rebekah Brock was great. I have a few kindergarten and first grade students on the Autism Spectrum and was looking for some more basic problem solving situations to work with them. I came up with the STAND (Stop, Think, Analyze, Name, Decide) acronym to work on the steps for problem solving. I liked the idea of starting with the general scenarios (ex. a boy cheating) and then expanding by giving more background/context to the picture. This can really help with some of the Black-and-White thinkers on my caseload.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Fun games: Don't rock the Boat, Ned's Head, Goldilocks & the 3 Bears...
I have been doing some Back to School and All About Me activities that I purchased on TPT store.
I have been doing some Back to School and All About Me activities that I purchased on TPT store.
I have started themes this year so right now we are doing school related-school houses and buses. This week is apples.
I'm going back next week and plan to do some screenings...doesn't sound like much fun but I'm really looking forward to seeing new (and old )students!
I have been sorting out the numerous kids that need to be assessed, completing KG screenings (and determining who needs to be tested), and trying to see all of my students at 3 schools.
I'm going to try Two Truths and a Lie along with going over their goals.
I started with a speech contract and a you and me compare and contrast
I have been working on my All About Me sheet with my students as well as going over the rules. You can find the sheet in my tpt a freebie! http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Carly-Fowler
Thank you for sharing these wonderful materials.
My students come back to school on the 9th. I am planning on working in the classrooms with some ice breaker/getting to know each other activities.
We played Jenga the first week of school!
Get to know things from Pinterest and games of course!
I start next week but i am planning on doing Back to School and All About Me activities that I got from TPT. Plus There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Books because the vocabulary goes with most of the other activities! Thanks for sharing and the giveaway opportunity! Love them!
I'll be reviewing goals and using a few all about me activities I have gotten from TPT
Ned's head and other stand bys with screenings.
Ned's head and other stand bys with screenings.
Ned's head and other stand bys with screenings.
Ned's head, screenings and other stand bys.
We are completing an "all about me" graphic organizer and reviewing IEP goals.
I'm going to do getting to know you activities!
I'm doing getting to know you activities and reviewing goals! We're also going over speech room rules
Get to know me activities, scheduling, screenings, get acquainted with goals activities.
Right now, we are reviewing IEP goals, reviewing rules and consequences and completing "All About Me" activities. Rachel Lynette has a great freebie on TPT: Get to Know You Jenga!
We will be doing a "getting to know you" packet and playing an ice breaker game with M&Ms!
Starting odd with getting to know you and then mustache themed activities.
Get to know you Jenga has been a big hit!!!
Probably a bus theme - I have a lot of preschool boys!
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