I needed some /r/ materials fast and this fit the bill. I think my favorite monster was Vladmir.
Again, I have a kid who was working on multisyllabic words. I was going to make a pacing board and then decided to add the pacing dots to each card.
My husband and I are Oscar fanatics. Each year it's a challenge to see if we can make all the movies that are nominate. We haven't yet. I thought this would be a happy activity for me during the next gloomy Winter months.
I've been looking for some new materials for prefixes and suffixes. This is one that I can adapt for my online students.
I have some Visualizing and Verbalizing books as well as the Expanding Expression Toolkit. I thought this would be a fun activity that could be utilized in conjunction with either program.

TeachSpeach365: This is a great activity for students who are not quite ready to answer wh-questions on their own. The three pictured stimuli helps make the task ALOT easier. I showed it to some colleagues and am going to download some extra licenses for this product this week! You can find it HERE.
Courtney Gragg: I loved this download because it is so unique from other products I'd seen. It's really fun and motivating for the clients I work with. Download your copy HERE.
SPEECH ROOM NEWS: Jenna Rayburn always has motivating and fun activities. I have downloaded ALOT of her activities. Some of my other favorites include: Candyland phonology and the Never Ever Circus. Ice Cream Directions was my first TPT download. I printed it off, laminated it and then forgot about it until the Fall. I was looking for something to work on directions with a 12 year old I see and grabbed this. INSTANT HIT. The next session the child came in and said, "Hey don't forget to play that Ice Cream game. That was so fun. Me and my brother were playing it at the dinner table last night. I don't know how they could play it without the cards, but I LOVED the enthusiam. You already know her store but here's the link anyhow.
There are So many other great activities and materials on that site. HAPPY SHOPPING!
Hi! Just browsing blogs and came across yours! It was a nice surprise to see that you purchased my WH question pack! I've been literally laughing out loud at some of your posts, especially the one about the laminating!
Thanks for stopping by!!! I was just using your WH question packet this week-LOVE it!
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