Mask Doodle App: Shoe the Goose. I love to use cookie doodle to target actions and prepositions during therapy sessions. This app allows you to decorate different masks (animals, monsters, half masks, robots, or people) This is a great app to focus on directions such as put in/on, as well as focusing on colors or sizes. You can create masks pretty quickly. The best thing is that you can print out the mask and then work on role plays or just send it home.
Clicky Sticky Halloween App. The Clicky Sticky apps are probably the best sticker book app on the market. You can choose between different scenes including: pumpkin decorating, costumes, haunted houses and Halloween candy. I usually use these apps to focus on naming objects/actions as well as prepositions. Place the items on the scene and then press play to watch them move. You can also work on predicting-"What do you think the spider will do/I think he will spin a web."
Mash-o-Ween. I love MASH games for categorization and vocabulary generation. This download focuses on naming different costumes, candies, activities you can do as well as people in your environment. Draw a spiral and the app procedeeds to eliminate answers until your future is apparent. This is a great way to focus on narratives as well as some predicting skills (what do you think will happen if I go to McDonalds in my cow costume.)
Halloween jokes. This FREE download contains written jokes as well as some photo jokes and prank videos. I tend to use the written portion most frequently to focus on multiple meanings and explaining humor. The jokes are very basic (ex. what does a ghost put on his cereal in the morning?) Booberries and boonanas.
Millie's tricks Volume 1 and 2. These start with knocking on a door and then a wheel spins to see if you get a trick or treat. Afterwards an adorable video focusing on a dog completing a similar activity is shown. I use this a lot for sentence generation tasks.
Peek-a-boo Trick or Treat. I have LOVED Ed Emberly's books since I was little. I still have old journals where I tried to use his shape based approach to draw different objects. This is combines his artwork with the idea of Peekaboo Farm. The door is knocking, you answer it and different Halloween characters appear. This would be SUPER awesome if you were inside answering the door vs. outside.
Little Monster's Dentist. This is a fun app for role play activities and discussing good dental hygiene with monsters. I think there are better dentist apps out there but this was FREE so it's worth it to try it out.
Halloween for Kids: This FREE app just has slide shows of different pictures of Halloween events and items. It's a nice one to use for describing and sentence structures.
Spooky Differences. Identify the differences between 2 pictures. Some of the differences are pretty subtle. I like to use these apps to work on comparison statements (Ex. in this picture there are three bats but in this picture there are only two.)
What was I scared of. I LOVED reading this app with my son. There is spooky music and a pair of "empty pants" which makes it a little silly while being a little scary.
Spooky House: This is basically a cause and effect app that allows you to touch different parts of the screen to make things spooky things happen. The full version contains 2 parts of the house and the free version is just on the outside. If they had more inside options, I'd definitely recommend it. Definitely take the time to check out the FREE version though.
Adapted Book, 5 Pumpkins. I love this rhyme. This version includes sign language for each version.
This is My Story.....and I'm sticking to it. This app focuses on simple sentence structures. You pick a "topic" and then choose different stickers to create a very simple story by changing one word per sentence. For example, you could make your story about the ghost and then fill in the blank for sentences like, "The ghost said hello to ....."

Magic Halloween Iblower. I like apps for younger or more severely involved students which just provide different objects when you touch the screen. With this app, touching the screen causes different Halloween objects to appear. I use these for describing and naming. I got this when it was free and like it. I probably wouldn't spend money on it as there isn't any sound or sound effects with the app.
Spooky Dice: This was created by the people who came up with Story Dice. You have the option to role 3 dice to determine character, plot and setting ideas. Fun to work on sentence generation or shorter paragraph generation.
The Scariest Halloween Story Ever. This is a fun interactive book which keeps trying to get the reader to stop reading because it is too scary.
Guess Who: Halloween. I love the Guess who games. I just bought this one so haven't had a lot of time to play around with it.
Mask Mania. Why print out a mask when you can take a picture and put on virtual mask on your photo. I wrote about this app last year. So much fun for role playing and sentence structures ("I want to be, I am a "
What apps did I miss and why do you love them?
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